The views/analysis expressed in this report/ document is purely a research initiative without any prejudice to any company, technology or practice and does not constitute any advice, inducement or solicitation to any person. Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE) and its research activities do not intend to favour or disfavour any corporate entity, directly or indirectly.
This report is meant for educational and informational purposes only with the intent to bring to light the environmental and legal framework around emission levels of vehicles and to educate the consumer about the health and environmental impact so that consumers can make an informed choice while purchasing a vehicle. The ratings mentioned on the portal for vehicles are calculated based on the pollutant information provided in Form 22, other government documents, research papers, and reports. The values have been considered at face value without any cross-validation in a test laboratory.
The study has not been sponsored by any of the two-wheeler manufacturers included in the report and as such, there is no conflict of interest.
AEEE has not received any compensation for rating the manufacturers in the order that they were rated in.
The ratings and methodology have been constructed by AEEE on the basis of the sources mentioned above and the report/ratings are made available on the understanding that consumers exercise reasonable due diligence with respect to its use.
The data reflected in this report/ document has been collected from the Form 22 given by the two-wheeler vehicle dealers to their buyers and the emission levels mentioned in these forms have been taken with the consent of the buyers who have been given these forms and they have been informed of the intention of such data collection.
The views/analysis expressed in this report/ document do not necessarily reflect the views of Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation. The Foundation also does not guarantee the accuracy of any data included in this publication nor does it accept any responsibility for the consequences of its use.