About the Green Vehicle Rating
Fast-paced urbanisation and rising per capita incomes have seen an exponential increase in demand for mobility to move people and goods. This, in turn, has seen a sharp rise in ownership of motor vehicles – particularly 2 and 3 wheelers – and their share in petrol and diesel sales in India. Vehicle fuel use exerts pressure on energy sources, along with creating emissions that deteriorate air quality, worsen climate change and brings economic losses to the country. Hence, there is a clear need for consumer-oriented and actionable information on vehicle emissions that allows consumers to account for energy and environmental burdens while purchasing a vehicle.
GVR identifies high to low environmental performers in a pool of top selling models in the 2 and 3 wheeler categories. This assessment is done based on the damage caused to public health (morbidity and mortality) and environment (ambient and physical environments, agricultural ecosystem). Information on composite damages caused is characterised in monetary terms (₹/km).
On the following pages, see more details on the rating process, and the final rating results
For data on air pollutant levels of vehicles, Form 22 is used. It is a mandatory document as per Central Motor Vehicles Rule (CMVR) of 1989 in India, on which auto makers are required to declare pollution levels of vehicles. It resides with auto dealers for consumer information. See the video below on the benefits of checking ‘Form 22’, and how it links to GVR.
Rating Results
A vehicle may give a high mileage but it creates pollution emissions too. Do you know what are the human health and environmental costs of your vehicle’s exhaust emissions? Click on the links below, and compare the environmental performance of your vehicle model with others.
Support of Partners
AEEE gratefully ackowledges funding support from Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (SSEF) and knowledge support from American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).

Powered by Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE)